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FanArt: Venatosaurus

The 2005 King Kong film and its companion piece; ‘World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island,’ have been a huge source of inspiration over the years. After recently rewatching the behind-the-scenes documentary, I felt compelled to illustrate one of the animals. Naturally, I pick the movie’s raptor, the ‘Venatosaurus.’ 
With this interpretation, I took a couple of liberties such as; fixing the positioning of the wrists(though they can twist them,) making the legs more bird-like, and of course the mild coat of downy feathers, which I made to look more a kin to fur. I did all of this, whilst keeping the core aspects of the animal in line with the original design by the concept artist, Jamie Beswarick. I had a lot of fun with this piece, and dove head first into trying mixed media with Procreate. I hope the results show my love for Peter Jackson’s adaptation of the original monster movie.

Finished illustration

Finished illustration

First pass on the sketch done traditionally.

First pass on the sketch done traditionally.

Final traditional version before transferring the piece to Procreate.

Final traditional version before transferring the piece to Procreate.

First digital color pass.

First digital color pass.

Backdrop completed, and the base colors of the animal are laid out.

Backdrop completed, and the base colors of the animal are laid out.