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Concept Art Dump 2020-2021

A compilation of a select few creatures I've designed in my spare time throughout this and last year. Some are reimagining of established works, others are attempts to get out of my comfort zone of just drawing dinosaurs. Many of these I'm quite fond of.

Turnip Squid. A fun little concept I came up with at my day job.

Turnip Squid. A fun little concept I came up with at my day job.

Gaiaraptor Redesign

Gaiaraptor Redesign

Lifestages of an alien herbivore based on various early Sauropodamorphs.

Lifestages of an alien herbivore based on various early Sauropodamorphs.

Mutated generic dromeosaurid

Mutated generic dromeosaurid

Halloween themed dragon called  'Gibbler'

Halloween themed dragon called 'Gibbler'

Redesign of an old dragon originally made for a school project.

Redesign of an old dragon originally made for a school project.

Frost Puppy. A Chameleon and Luna Moth inspired dragon with the power of ice magic.

Frost Puppy. A Chameleon and Luna Moth inspired dragon with the power of ice magic.

Refined sketch for my interpretation of the Quetzalcoaltus serpent god.

Refined sketch for my interpretation of the Quetzalcoaltus serpent god.